AI Thessalonians 5:16 - 18 "Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
Our church will be starting a new venture this week and recently I have had many thoughts going through my head about what the Lord has planned for our church. We are starting an extension church in a nearby city and will be reaching new people for the Lord. This is an exciting time in the life of our church. My husband is super excited about our future. :)
Our church people have put many hours in visiting and passing out flyers. Our men have gathered to pray. Our ladies have gathered to pray. My pastor husband has met with city representatives and shared his plan for our new church. Alot of time has gone into this first service that will take place this week. It is very exciting!
As I have prayed and thought about this new church...the above verses have continued to come to my mind. I realize that any good that comes of this will be all because of God. At the end of this same chapter in verse 24 the Bible says, "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it." You see anything that we do for the Lord is because of the Lord...He is the One Who makes all things happen.
From these verses I have been reminded that as I serve the Lord I need to do three things:
1. Rejoice - rejoice about the goodness of God and what He can accomplish through a life surrendered to His service.
2. Pray - pray for His blessings and pray for His wisdom to do things the way He desires them to be done
3. Give thanks - Thank God for all that He will do through our service to Him; we need to believe that He will do much through our efforts
So, this week as I stand beside my Preacher husband and with our church members, I am claiming the Word of God as I am choosing to rejoice, as I am continuing to pray and as I am giving thanks for what God is going to do in and through this new church.
I am nervous (because I am human), but I am excited about what God has planned for Calvary Baptist Church of Collierville, Tn. It is vital that we keep our eyes on God and keep busy serving Him because as is seen in the very first part of the chapter I mentioned from I Thessalonians 5, the Lord is coming back as a thief in the night. I don't know about you, but I want to be busy serving Him when He returns.
Let's face it, what matters for eternity is what we do for Christ!
From my Heart,
A collection of thoughts God is teaching me on my journey through marriage, motherhood and ministry.
"I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God, in Him will I trust." Psalms 91:2
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Focus on the Blessings
Each day I read this poem and some days I follow it more readily than others. I am learning, though, that if I truly count my blessings EACH day, I can be a much happier person no matter what is going on around me.
All of us will from time to time carry crosses, suffer losses, have woes, endure foes, shed tears, carry fears, have financial losses, and the list could go on; BUT, it is when we FOCUS on the blessings, the gains, the joys, the friends, the smiles, the courage, the kindnesses, and ALL the BLESSING we truly have...well, we find happiness.
True happiness is found in God. Psalms 146:5 says, "HAPPY is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God."
Our hope is in God always regardless of life's circumstances. When we have God as our help, we CAN be happy. This is such a comforting thought to me. There are days that I feel overwhelmed by all that must be done. There are days when I feel very inadequate to do what God is asking me to do. There are days when, frankly, I am weary. However, it is on these days, I remember BLESSINGS...I stop and I think how blessed I really am and I go on.
So, whatever life brings your way, may I encourage you to stop and remember the blessings God has given you. They are there...I promise, but you have to be looking for them.
From My Heart,
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Never Let It Grow Old

Ephesians 2:8 is a familiar passage to many, but I challenge you to ask yourself, "Has it grown old or do I still marvel at the meaning of this verse?". The verse says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God."
Recently I had the privilege of leading two ladies to the Lord on two separate occasions. I was excited both times...there is just something very sweet about hearing a person ask the Lord to save them. The Bible says there is JOY in Heaven in the presence of the angels when just one sinner repents. (this is found in Luke 15:10)
The one lady that I talked to was very responsive and very friendly. I got all the way through explaining what one must do in order to be saved and the lady looks at me and proceeds to tell me she has been baptized. I told her that was wonderful, but then I did explain that baptism, although, a good thing is merely a picture and it cannot save anyone. I used an illustration about giving birth to my boys and how they become a part of my family forever. In other words, there is a definite day of birth. However, from time to time, the fellowship may be broken due to things they have done, but no matter what they do, they are ALWAYS part of my family. The same is true of one's is a ONE time event where a person puts complete faith and trust in Christ, alone, to save them and then, even though fellowship may be broken from time to time, they are always part of God 's family.
Salvation was not free because it cost the life of Christ on a cross. A price was paid, but it was paid in order to provide you and I with this wonderful gift...eternal life!
Salvation is not through a denomination, a church, a person, a friend, an event, but rather it is through the grace of God by faith in Christ and Him, alone. Any man, woman or child who places their complete faith in Jesus can and will be saved. What an amazing thought to remember and dwell on...we can be saved forever through faith in Christ.
Do we still get excited about the day we got saved? Do we still tell others about this wonderful gift of salvation? The other night at church, my pastor husband asked for people to tell when they got saved...I raised my hand and very happily announced, June 4, 1987. I was glad that I was able to say that. I was so thakful to know that I am saved. I trust you are too.
I pray that you know Christ as your Saviour. I pray that it will never grow old to you...this precious gift of salvation!
So, this week...I challenge you to go tell somene about Jesus and His wonderful gift of salvation!
From My Heart,
Friday, January 18, 2013
The Lord's Still Good...
Day after day, we walk through life going about our business. We are busy getting life done. We are taking care of our families. We are maintaining our homes. We are fulfilling our work obligations. All the while, we are surrounded by hurting hearts and maybe, just maybe, we are one of those hurting hearts.
Well, today, I was reading in the Psalms (as is my habit each day) and I read the familiar passage found in chapter 34:1 which says: "I will bless the Lord at ALL times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth." vs. 3 - 4 says, "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us EXALT his name together. I SOUGHT the Lord, and he HEARD ME, and DELIVERED me from all my fears." Reading a bit further down in vs. 8, "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."
I have read these verses (I cannot even count how many times), but today they had a different and more special meaning to me. It was as if God was audibly saying to me "remember, my child, no matter what the burden one carries...I AM still GOOD!" WOW!! I needed this reminder. My heart has been so sad for all of the people that I know who have been hurting and to be honest, I have felt helpless to do anything to ease their burdens. Yet, God reminded me that even in our darkest time of need He is good. The very God Who created the universe and all that is within...the LORD, HE IS GOOD.
I stopped and thought about the fact, that, in reality, we are quick to praise Him and brag on Him when everything is going good in our lives. BUT, what about when things are hard? What about when that loved one is dying? What about when we lose that child? (which I have experienced 7 times) What about when our job is gone? What about when we are mistreated? What about when we are facing sickness? What about when our finances are tight?
What about it, friend? Do we "bless the Lord at ALL times" or do we only do that in times of goodness and prosperity? The Bible is very clear that we are to "bless the Lord at ALL times"...this tells me that means in good or bad. We are to EXALT His name TOGETHER...we need to spend time talking about His goodness and bragging on how good God is to those around us. Our mouths (conversation) should be filled with praise to Him (not just at Thanksgiving). This praise should become a daily habit in our lives. Yes, it's easy to praise Him on the mountaintops of life, but in the valleys, well, that is another story. I have to wonder, though, if we are truly praising Him on a daily basis...then, when those valleys come, it just seems like we would stay faithful with our praise because it has become habit in our lives.
I remember when I went through losing my sweet babies, it was hard, but God gave grace and somewhere along my journeys of miscarriage I learned to really trust God and believe that all things are for our good. People would ask me if I wondered "why me?" My honest response was "why not me?" That is hard to explain, but I think it came as a result of years of trying to trust and realize the goodness of God. He owed me nothing. Would I have loved more children...YES, but that was not God's plan and at some point, I had to remember to be thankful for the two boys I have here with me rather than spend my days constantly mourning and being discontented because of my losses. You see, ladies, I am not a saint with this attitude...far from it...I just had to choose....TRUST or DOUBT. GOD IS GOOD!!
The Lord is good whether things go right or things go wrong...He is GOOD!! So, even though I have have carried a hurt and burdened heart for so many people this past couple of weeks, I was reminded, again, of how good God is to each of us. I am thankful that we serve and know a good God. It sure makes facing the heartaches more bearable knowing that we face them with a good God...a God Who wants and knows what is best and delivers us from our fears during these times of trial.
My take away thoughts:
1. Think on the goodness of God.
2. Share with others the goodness of God.
3. Choose to remember the goodness of God even in the trials.
I don't know what you are facing today, but God does. I don't know how weary you have become, but God does. I don't know how you will get through your heartache, but God does. I don't have these answers, BUT I know the God Who does and I know a God Who is good and so, may I just say to you...hang in there!! May I encourage you today, as God has encouraged me....
From My Heart,
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
A Sweet Smelling Love
The following are just a few random thoughts I had as I read these verses:
1. We are to follow God.
The verse says follow as dear children which makes
me think of a sweet and special relationship.
2. We are to walk in love.
The word "walk" is an action. If we are to walk in
love, then we must be doing.
3. Christ loved us by action.
His love was unselfish...He did for us by giving
His life.
4. Christ's death was a sacrifice.
The very fact that God was willing to give His Son to
die for us...this demonstrates the ultimate sacrifice.
5. The sacrifice was sweet smelling to God.
This, to me, says that God was pleased with
the was sweet smelling to God.
Now, to take these same thoughts and apply them to my marriage. I thought to myself "does my love stink"? Does the way I show my love to my husband have a sweet smell to God pleased with my love for my husband? Do I have a sacrificial love? All good questions to ask myself.
I have been married for over twenty years and there are some days I feel like that has been a lifetime and other days, I feel like it has only been a short time. I still have much to learn on my journey through marriage. I love my husband dearly and I am truly thankful for him, but if I am honest with myself, I would have to say that sometimes my love does stink. There are days when I am not very loving because I am selfish in my love toward him. There are days when I am so busy, that I neglect to put my love into action the way I should. These two small verses were simple reminders for me that I must constantly be thinking about my love for my husband and I must be consistently working to apply that love for him.
I read a really good statement by Andrew Murray in the book, "Teach Me to Pray" and the statement said, "Eventually you realize what this life of love is: to live wholly for the welfare and happiness of others." Wow! Such a great truth!
Between the couple of verses showing the ultimate sacrifice of love through the death of Christ and reading this simple reminder statement, I am more committed to WORKING daily to SHOW my love for my husband. I want my love for my husband to be sacrificial and I want it to be sweet smelling.
I also have been reminded to work on this in other relationships. I have much growing to do, but I am thankful for the Word of God and the simple lessons we can learn if we just open our eyes and hearts to the truths He wants to teach us.
So, ask yourself "does your love stink?" If so, it is not too late to work on putting that love into action and to daily strive to be a sweet smelling savour in your love for your husband.
Have a great week ladies!
From my Heart,
Friday, January 11, 2013
Passing Down a Goodly Heritage
Recently during my Bible reading, I read the following verse: Psalms 16:11 "The lines have fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage."
These verses are a reminder to me, personally, that I HAVE been given a goodly heritage. My parents were not raised in Christian homes, but they were both saved and when they had kids they made a choice to raise us in a Christian home and to raise us, not for themselves, but for the Lord. I am so very grateful for this heritage that I have been given. Respectively, my husband was also raised in a Christian home; in fact, his father pastored for over 30 years. My husband, Jack, was also afforded a goodly heritage.
Yesterday, I said goodbye to my oldest, Ryan, as I left him at college to begin his second semester of his freshman year. It was a bittersweet moment...the kind of moment where you want to cry and yet, you stand there realizing the kind of young man your son is becoming and how exciting his future is...well, honestly, it was difficult to cry because I felt proud of him.
How can I be sad when I see my son becoming what his father and I have prayed for so many years? It is not due to us, but rather to a God Who has seen fit to bless our children and I, believe, God has blessed our efforts as parents to provide a goodly heritage. I am not naive to think that there are guarantees when it comes to raising our children, but I do think that if our focus is on Christ and doing our child rearing the way He desires, that there is a much better opportunity for our children to walk in this goodly heritage and in time, pass it on to their children.
How do we leave a goodly heritage for our children? How do we help to ensure that they will do the same for their children? Is there a magic formula....not even remotely, but rather time tested principles from the Bible that can help us.
I am going to share a few things that my parents did that can be a help to each of us when it comes to passing on a goodly heritage. I am sure there are many things that can be added to this list, but I am simply sharing my own experiences and how my parents helped me.
Now, this may sound simple and well, almost ridiculous to even say, BUT it is becoming increasing unpopular in today's society to parent because we would rather be their friend and just allow them to do their own thing as children. I mean, after all, we have to allow them to find themselves and develop their personality.
At the age of 43, I have a very close friendship with my parents. I believe with all my heart is it because they decided years ago to parent me while I was young, knowing they would reap the benefits of my friendship when I became an adult. Now, don't misunderstand me, I did consider my parents my friends, but their was and always has been a profound respect of my parents on my part. When it came to making tough choices, my parents gave me boundaries, discipline and rules to live by. They always believed the outcome was worth the effort of parenting. I am extremely grateful for this in my parents. Ephesians 6:4 "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." My parents taught and did their best to bring me up in a way which pleased the Lord.
God is no different...He is our parent, our Heavenly Father. His Word is FULL of teaching and instruction. He longs to be our friend, but He also longs to teach us and instruct us in the ways which we should go. A parent will seek what is best for us even when it is not popular...they will choose to BE the PARENT.
Now, this in my mind is huge. My parents did not always agree on everything, BUT they were always on the same page when it came to us kids and our family. I always knew that they were a united front...I didn't even try to pit parent against parent...would have been useless effort on my part. We knew that decisions were made as a team and with the best interest of our entire family in mind. I knew that my parents weren't perfect and that they didn't always see eye to eye, BUT I always knew they were a TEAM and that was that. I am so thankful that my parents were united. It taught me to hang tough through everything no matter how tough things might get. It taught me about being real. It taught me you can have differences. It taught me to learn to deal with those differences. Being on the same page and being united makes all the difference in the world in the life of one's children. I think of the story in Genesis 27 about Issac and Rebekah how Rebekah helped her son to deceive his father...this is very sad to me. Just think if the parents had been always on the same page, this might not have been the case. Moms, it is especially important for us to support our children's fathers and for us to be the ones to show the children a united front. It WILL make a difference.
John 15:9 comes to mind, "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love." My parents loved us and taught us how to love others. They followed their words with actions. I can't tell you how many people we kept in our home for periods of time because they were in need. I remember so many people my parents helped with bills, helped to feed, or just whatever they needed. My parents loved by example! I always knew they loved me even when I was undeserving of that love...there were NEVER strings attached. To this day, my parents love me. They respect decisions I make as an adult and they do not withhold their love if they may disagree. Their love is, was and always will be unconditional. That is what God teaches us...unconditional love. What a great example! John 15:10 states, "If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love: even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love." What a great place to the love of God. I am thankful that my parents taught me through their love of one another, their love of us kids, and their love of God how to love unconditionally.
These are just a few things I learned while growing up in the home of Frank and Margaret Moran that I believe have contributed to my goodly heritage. I could list many more points but these are some that I feel are so very important to passing on a goodly heritage. My desire for my children is that I have and will continue to transfer this goodly heritage and that when I am much older observing my children raising their children, that I will see these same qualities being passed on.
Being the parent, having unity as parents, and unconditionally loving as parents are three top essentials that will allow a "goodly heritage" to pass from one generation to the next. These are three of my goals...what are some of yours when it comes to parenting and passing on a goodly heritage? I would love to hear them!
From My Heart,

Yesterday, I said goodbye to my oldest, Ryan, as I left him at college to begin his second semester of his freshman year. It was a bittersweet moment...the kind of moment where you want to cry and yet, you stand there realizing the kind of young man your son is becoming and how exciting his future is...well, honestly, it was difficult to cry because I felt proud of him.
How can I be sad when I see my son becoming what his father and I have prayed for so many years? It is not due to us, but rather to a God Who has seen fit to bless our children and I, believe, God has blessed our efforts as parents to provide a goodly heritage. I am not naive to think that there are guarantees when it comes to raising our children, but I do think that if our focus is on Christ and doing our child rearing the way He desires, that there is a much better opportunity for our children to walk in this goodly heritage and in time, pass it on to their children.

I am going to share a few things that my parents did that can be a help to each of us when it comes to passing on a goodly heritage. I am sure there are many things that can be added to this list, but I am simply sharing my own experiences and how my parents helped me.
Now, this may sound simple and well, almost ridiculous to even say, BUT it is becoming increasing unpopular in today's society to parent because we would rather be their friend and just allow them to do their own thing as children. I mean, after all, we have to allow them to find themselves and develop their personality.
At the age of 43, I have a very close friendship with my parents. I believe with all my heart is it because they decided years ago to parent me while I was young, knowing they would reap the benefits of my friendship when I became an adult. Now, don't misunderstand me, I did consider my parents my friends, but their was and always has been a profound respect of my parents on my part. When it came to making tough choices, my parents gave me boundaries, discipline and rules to live by. They always believed the outcome was worth the effort of parenting. I am extremely grateful for this in my parents. Ephesians 6:4 "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." My parents taught and did their best to bring me up in a way which pleased the Lord.
God is no different...He is our parent, our Heavenly Father. His Word is FULL of teaching and instruction. He longs to be our friend, but He also longs to teach us and instruct us in the ways which we should go. A parent will seek what is best for us even when it is not popular...they will choose to BE the PARENT.
Now, this in my mind is huge. My parents did not always agree on everything, BUT they were always on the same page when it came to us kids and our family. I always knew that they were a united front...I didn't even try to pit parent against parent...would have been useless effort on my part. We knew that decisions were made as a team and with the best interest of our entire family in mind. I knew that my parents weren't perfect and that they didn't always see eye to eye, BUT I always knew they were a TEAM and that was that. I am so thankful that my parents were united. It taught me to hang tough through everything no matter how tough things might get. It taught me about being real. It taught me you can have differences. It taught me to learn to deal with those differences. Being on the same page and being united makes all the difference in the world in the life of one's children. I think of the story in Genesis 27 about Issac and Rebekah how Rebekah helped her son to deceive his father...this is very sad to me. Just think if the parents had been always on the same page, this might not have been the case. Moms, it is especially important for us to support our children's fathers and for us to be the ones to show the children a united front. It WILL make a difference.
John 15:9 comes to mind, "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love." My parents loved us and taught us how to love others. They followed their words with actions. I can't tell you how many people we kept in our home for periods of time because they were in need. I remember so many people my parents helped with bills, helped to feed, or just whatever they needed. My parents loved by example! I always knew they loved me even when I was undeserving of that love...there were NEVER strings attached. To this day, my parents love me. They respect decisions I make as an adult and they do not withhold their love if they may disagree. Their love is, was and always will be unconditional. That is what God teaches us...unconditional love. What a great example! John 15:10 states, "If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love: even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love." What a great place to the love of God. I am thankful that my parents taught me through their love of one another, their love of us kids, and their love of God how to love unconditionally.
These are just a few things I learned while growing up in the home of Frank and Margaret Moran that I believe have contributed to my goodly heritage. I could list many more points but these are some that I feel are so very important to passing on a goodly heritage. My desire for my children is that I have and will continue to transfer this goodly heritage and that when I am much older observing my children raising their children, that I will see these same qualities being passed on.
Being the parent, having unity as parents, and unconditionally loving as parents are three top essentials that will allow a "goodly heritage" to pass from one generation to the next. These are three of my goals...what are some of yours when it comes to parenting and passing on a goodly heritage? I would love to hear them!
From My Heart,
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Organization in Progress...Meal Planning made Simple

#1 - Shopping list pages
#2 - Coupon pockets (in abundance)
#3 - Pages to list websites and blogs frequented (password and username info can be recorded as well) I like this because I am forever forgetting my passwords.
#4 - Clear ziploc pocket that can be used for receipts or whatever you choose

I started on Thursday filling out my organizers and I am very excited about being able to feel more organized in my planning of meals and shopping. Plus, I know the extra perk will be money saved...I am good about only buying what is listed. So, that will mean savings for our pocket book. :) I especially like this benefit!

I plan to add in some other categories such as medical info, birthday and anniversary lists, important dates to remember, and a calendar so the large organizer can become my "brain" so to speak. I have a smart phone and use it for alot of things, but I have to be honest...I love lists and writing them out and seeing them actually accomplished. Don't get me wrong, I am not giving up my smart phone because, well, because...I just can't do However, the combination of smart phone and list making will bring peace to my world and that is something I can live with for sure.
So, if you will excuse me, I need to go work on my grocery list for the week. Have a great day and until next time, "PLAN YOUR WORK AND WORK YOUR PLAN". (This phrase was taught to me in college by Dr. Wendall Evans...truly wise advice)
From my Heart,
Saturday, January 5, 2013
"Reflections.." Purpose Revealed
So, I thought it would be good to reveal a few ideas I am working on for this blog. Mind you, these are goals that I have and I am guessing as I go along, my ideas will change from time to time. Be patient with me as I try to develop my thought processes. Thank you, in advance.
I am desiring to have three specific areas of focus about which I will write. These three areas will be as follows:
Marriage & Motherhood: Things others have taught that I have found to be beneficial; ideas gleaned through reading outside resources; as well, as everyday life in my own home...I want to be "real" with you. Let's face it, ladies, we aren't alone and when we "THINK" we are the only ones going through something...truth is, we aren't.
Practical Tips & Ideas: The purpose of this will be to share recipes, cleaning and organizational ideas, practical helps for personal growth, etc. I love swapping ideas with other ladies and I look forward to learning from you. This will be lighthearted, yet helpful. Who among us doesn't need more brainstorming ideas...let's enjoy making life work for us.
Friendship & Ministry: I desire here to work on building better relationships with people and to, also, include ideas that will help ladies who are involved in ministering in a church capacity. Again, we, as sisters in Christ, have much we can glean from one another. I think we feel isolated sometimes in our areas of ministry, often forgetting that there is an army of ladies out there serving and ministering to others longing to have a comradery of support. I hope to be part of that support and to gain knowledge from you as well. These ideas may include scheduling, planning showers for others, Sunday School ideas and lessons thoughts, activities for ladies ministry, etc...there is a wealth of ideas from which we all can glean. I don't know about you, but I am a sponge and I love soaking up ideas that help me to improve my service for the Lord.
Again, my desire is to be just be myself. So, if you are looking for perfection, well, you have come to the wrong place. However, if you are looking for somewhere to share ideas, to rejoice with one another, to learn from other ladies well, then, you have come to the right place. I hope that through this blog, I will gain new friends and the Lord will allow our lives to be enriched by the life lessons we share. I pray that as God teaches me, you may be helped as well. One would think that in my 40's, I would have "it all together", but truth be told I am realizing more and more each day how much I have yet to learn.
I want to do more for God this year; I want to see more souls saved; I want to be a better wife; I want to be a better mom; I want to be a better friend; I want to be a better daughter; I want to be a better sister; I want to be a better pastor's wife; I want to be a better teacher, but none of this will happen if I am not focused on being who God made me to be...Robyn. So, as I share the reflections God shows me as I look in the mirror of His Word, may you, as I, be reminded that He loves each of us. He longs for us to fully comprehend the depth of His love for us and even though that seems so unfathomable to our minds...He truly does love us!
Ephesians 3:17 - 19 says, "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to KNOW the LOVE OF CHRIST, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with ALL the fullness of God."
This about sums up my know His love for me and to be filled with Him. Is that your desire? How wonderful to comprehend fully His know it is not too late. Join me this year is knowing Him more. I welcome your feedback and your insights as I make this journey.
I look forward to the "Reflections from the Robyn's Nest" in 2013...and I trust that these "reflections" will be a blessing to you as I know God intends them to be for me. Thank for visiting my nest!
From My Heart,
I am desiring to have three specific areas of focus about which I will write. These three areas will be as follows:
Marriage & Motherhood: Things others have taught that I have found to be beneficial; ideas gleaned through reading outside resources; as well, as everyday life in my own home...I want to be "real" with you. Let's face it, ladies, we aren't alone and when we "THINK" we are the only ones going through something...truth is, we aren't.
Practical Tips & Ideas: The purpose of this will be to share recipes, cleaning and organizational ideas, practical helps for personal growth, etc. I love swapping ideas with other ladies and I look forward to learning from you. This will be lighthearted, yet helpful. Who among us doesn't need more brainstorming ideas...let's enjoy making life work for us.
Friendship & Ministry: I desire here to work on building better relationships with people and to, also, include ideas that will help ladies who are involved in ministering in a church capacity. Again, we, as sisters in Christ, have much we can glean from one another. I think we feel isolated sometimes in our areas of ministry, often forgetting that there is an army of ladies out there serving and ministering to others longing to have a comradery of support. I hope to be part of that support and to gain knowledge from you as well. These ideas may include scheduling, planning showers for others, Sunday School ideas and lessons thoughts, activities for ladies ministry, etc...there is a wealth of ideas from which we all can glean. I don't know about you, but I am a sponge and I love soaking up ideas that help me to improve my service for the Lord.
Again, my desire is to be just be myself. So, if you are looking for perfection, well, you have come to the wrong place. However, if you are looking for somewhere to share ideas, to rejoice with one another, to learn from other ladies well, then, you have come to the right place. I hope that through this blog, I will gain new friends and the Lord will allow our lives to be enriched by the life lessons we share. I pray that as God teaches me, you may be helped as well. One would think that in my 40's, I would have "it all together", but truth be told I am realizing more and more each day how much I have yet to learn.
I want to do more for God this year; I want to see more souls saved; I want to be a better wife; I want to be a better mom; I want to be a better friend; I want to be a better daughter; I want to be a better sister; I want to be a better pastor's wife; I want to be a better teacher, but none of this will happen if I am not focused on being who God made me to be...Robyn. So, as I share the reflections God shows me as I look in the mirror of His Word, may you, as I, be reminded that He loves each of us. He longs for us to fully comprehend the depth of His love for us and even though that seems so unfathomable to our minds...He truly does love us!
Ephesians 3:17 - 19 says, "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to KNOW the LOVE OF CHRIST, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with ALL the fullness of God."
This about sums up my know His love for me and to be filled with Him. Is that your desire? How wonderful to comprehend fully His know it is not too late. Join me this year is knowing Him more. I welcome your feedback and your insights as I make this journey.
I look forward to the "Reflections from the Robyn's Nest" in 2013...and I trust that these "reflections" will be a blessing to you as I know God intends them to be for me. Thank for visiting my nest!
From My Heart,
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Happy Birthday to MY Dad!
"The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage."
Psalms 16:6
Today, I want to celebrate my dad...he turns 69 years old today and I am grateful that he is celebrating another birthday. My dad has overcome much in his life and yet, he has remained faithful to the Lord and has maintained his attitude of "the joy of the Lord". I am grateful that he is my dad and I am thankful for the wonderful example he has been for me through the years.
My dad grew up in poor circumstances, but he never complained to us or made us think he had a bad life. I remember a trip once that my husband and I took with my parents to Baltimore (where dad grew up) and we saw many places from my dad's childhood. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to see where dad grew up and learn more about his childhood. I have only been to Baltimore about 5 times in my life. We did not go there often when I was a child and I really never had the opportunity to know my dad's family very well. He came from a very large family. I wish I would have known all of them better, but due to a myriad of circumstances, this was not the case.
Dad joined the Air Force and served our country for 20 years. I am proud to be the daughter of a veteran. My dad served with honor and integrity. He was stationed in Vietnam for a time. It was in Vietnam that my dad came to accept the Lord as his personal Saviour. He had a bunkmate who was a Christian and would witness to dad often. After many times of witnessing and living an example of Christ, dad came to a knowledge of Christ and trusted Him, alone, as his way to Heaven. I am so thankful for this man who witnessed to my dad...his name is Weldon and I am forever grateful to him for showing my dad the way of salvation.
While serving in Vietnam, a lady, named Margaret, began writing to this GI, Howard. They wrote for a while and then, when dad came back stateside they met in person. Their relationship continued and in January of 1969, they were well over 40 years they are still married. I am thankful that they resolved no matter what may happen to stay together and make a marriage that would please God.
Dad grew slowly, but steadily in the Lord for a period of years while I was a young girl. I remember going to church faithfully. I remember praying at night with dad. I remember learning to trust God to supply our needs. I remember serving in the church with my family. I remember living in a home where God mattered and was important. I am thankful for a dad who did what he knew to do to ensure that I would live for God and seek Him with my whole heart.
I remember my dad being diagnosed with congestive heart failure in his fourties. The doctors have been amazed that he is still living. I know why though...God had more for dad to do in his life. Dad has given his life for others. He has helped people financially. He has allowed people to live in our home when they had no where else to go. He has helped young people through hard times. He has been an encourager to those who are discouraged. He has been a "rock" for our family. He has been faithful to my mom. He has stayed faithful to his Saviour.
Two years ago this month, dad had surgery to remove cancer from his body. I remember thinking "what would I do without dad?" He has always been here for me. I call him and he is there. He is there when I need encouragement. He is there when I need chewed out (which is often). I am not sure why I call at times like this, but I think it is because my dad has always been a "voice of reason" and a voice that I trust. I have had to make some hard decisions in my lifetime and dad has always had wisdom to help me with these decisions. I have learned that by honoring my dad, God has been pleased. I am so thankful that God has seen fit to give my dad more time with our family!
I could go on and on, but I won't....I just desired to share with you a little bit about my dad and why I am so very thankful for him. We named our oldest son in honor of my dad, Ryan Jeffrey-Franklin and our youngest son, Jordan, well, he is JUST like my dad. I am thankful that long after dad is rejoicing in Heaven one day, I will still have my boys as reminders of this great man that I have been privileged to call DAD all my life. God sure has been good to me!!
Dad, I love you more than words could ever express and I am so humbled to be your daughter! I trust your birthday will be extra special and you will know how very much you are loved.
Your daughter,
aka: "Radar ears"
(okay, that is a story for another day, but dad knows what this means)
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
New Beginnings...2013
Dear Friend,
Well, about four months ago, I took a WEEK off to take our oldest son back to college. I have to say that was the LONGEST week of my life. Lol
Seriously, though, I had every intention of picking back up with my blog when I returned home, but somehow life happened and I had alot of "reflecting" to do about the purpose for which this blog had been created. I am glad to say that the Lord has been working in my heart and I am excited about this new year. The Lord has placed several things on my heart for this coming year that He would like for me to accomplish. One of those things is this blog.
I have renamed my blog and I am refocused on it's purpose. In the past months, God has really been reminding me of HIS LOVE for ME, Robyn Bachman. He is reminding me constantly that I do not have to be like so and so...He simply wants me to be who He created me to be. I fall, too often, into the trap of comparison and it has been here that I have struggled for some time. However, this is one of my goals for the new year to realize who I am in Christ and what I am capable of doing for Him and through Him.
Each year I host a Christmas fellowship for the ladies of my church and at this fellowship I share a verse or more that God gives me to focus on in the upcoming year. This year my verses were found in Psalms 91:1 - 2, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." It is from these verses that I have gained new perspective on many things in my life. It is from these verses that I have come to change the name of my blog and move in a different direction, to some degree.
The word "reflection" means: an act of reflecting or being reflected; an image; representation; counterpart; a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration; a thought occuring in consideration or meditation.
The word "nest" means: a snug retreat or refuge; a resting place; home.
These writings will be reflections of the lessons I am learning while sheltered under the wings of my Saviour. It is here with my Saviour that I can grow, learn and find shelter from the storms of life. It is only in Him where I can find true refuge. I desire this year, more than ever, to dwell with Him in that secret place. I long to trust Him completely with all that life brings. It is my deepest desire to rest in Him.
Thank you for your patience and for your friendship to me. I am thankful that I am able to share these lessons with you because in doing so I become accountable to staying focused on these goals. I plan to also share recipes, tips and ideas for the home as well. It is amazing how much we can learn from one another.
I am truly excited about 2013 for I believe it holds many new things for me, my family and my church family. I look forward to seeing what the year will bring and I am even more excited to know that I am face the year sheltered "under His wings".
From My Heart,
Well, about four months ago, I took a WEEK off to take our oldest son back to college. I have to say that was the LONGEST week of my life. Lol
Seriously, though, I had every intention of picking back up with my blog when I returned home, but somehow life happened and I had alot of "reflecting" to do about the purpose for which this blog had been created. I am glad to say that the Lord has been working in my heart and I am excited about this new year. The Lord has placed several things on my heart for this coming year that He would like for me to accomplish. One of those things is this blog.
I have renamed my blog and I am refocused on it's purpose. In the past months, God has really been reminding me of HIS LOVE for ME, Robyn Bachman. He is reminding me constantly that I do not have to be like so and so...He simply wants me to be who He created me to be. I fall, too often, into the trap of comparison and it has been here that I have struggled for some time. However, this is one of my goals for the new year to realize who I am in Christ and what I am capable of doing for Him and through Him.
Each year I host a Christmas fellowship for the ladies of my church and at this fellowship I share a verse or more that God gives me to focus on in the upcoming year. This year my verses were found in Psalms 91:1 - 2, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." It is from these verses that I have gained new perspective on many things in my life. It is from these verses that I have come to change the name of my blog and move in a different direction, to some degree.
The word "reflection" means: an act of reflecting or being reflected; an image; representation; counterpart; a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration; a thought occuring in consideration or meditation.
The word "nest" means: a snug retreat or refuge; a resting place; home.
These writings will be reflections of the lessons I am learning while sheltered under the wings of my Saviour. It is here with my Saviour that I can grow, learn and find shelter from the storms of life. It is only in Him where I can find true refuge. I desire this year, more than ever, to dwell with Him in that secret place. I long to trust Him completely with all that life brings. It is my deepest desire to rest in Him.
Thank you for your patience and for your friendship to me. I am thankful that I am able to share these lessons with you because in doing so I become accountable to staying focused on these goals. I plan to also share recipes, tips and ideas for the home as well. It is amazing how much we can learn from one another.
I am truly excited about 2013 for I believe it holds many new things for me, my family and my church family. I look forward to seeing what the year will bring and I am even more excited to know that I am face the year sheltered "under His wings".
From My Heart,
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