The following are just a few random thoughts I had as I read these verses:
1. We are to follow God.
The verse says follow as dear children which makes
me think of a sweet and special relationship.
2. We are to walk in love.
The word "walk" is an action. If we are to walk in
love, then we must be doing.
3. Christ loved us by action.
His love was unselfish...He did for us by giving
His life.
4. Christ's death was a sacrifice.
The very fact that God was willing to give His Son to
die for us...this demonstrates the ultimate sacrifice.
5. The sacrifice was sweet smelling to God.
This, to me, says that God was pleased with
the was sweet smelling to God.
Now, to take these same thoughts and apply them to my marriage. I thought to myself "does my love stink"? Does the way I show my love to my husband have a sweet smell to God pleased with my love for my husband? Do I have a sacrificial love? All good questions to ask myself.
I have been married for over twenty years and there are some days I feel like that has been a lifetime and other days, I feel like it has only been a short time. I still have much to learn on my journey through marriage. I love my husband dearly and I am truly thankful for him, but if I am honest with myself, I would have to say that sometimes my love does stink. There are days when I am not very loving because I am selfish in my love toward him. There are days when I am so busy, that I neglect to put my love into action the way I should. These two small verses were simple reminders for me that I must constantly be thinking about my love for my husband and I must be consistently working to apply that love for him.
I read a really good statement by Andrew Murray in the book, "Teach Me to Pray" and the statement said, "Eventually you realize what this life of love is: to live wholly for the welfare and happiness of others." Wow! Such a great truth!
Between the couple of verses showing the ultimate sacrifice of love through the death of Christ and reading this simple reminder statement, I am more committed to WORKING daily to SHOW my love for my husband. I want my love for my husband to be sacrificial and I want it to be sweet smelling.
I also have been reminded to work on this in other relationships. I have much growing to do, but I am thankful for the Word of God and the simple lessons we can learn if we just open our eyes and hearts to the truths He wants to teach us.
So, ask yourself "does your love stink?" If so, it is not too late to work on putting that love into action and to daily strive to be a sweet smelling savour in your love for your husband.
Have a great week ladies!
From my Heart,
Amen! Thanks for sharing! :) I hope you enjoy your "snow" day! :)