"I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God, in Him will I trust." Psalms 91:2

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Focus on the Blessings

The following poem hangs above my desk on the wall as a reminder to me each day of what really matters.  A very dear friend of mine gave me this six years ago when our family moved to begin a new chapter in our lives.  This move was hard for me because I was leaving all I knew...my comfort zone and my friends.  It was hard and for a time, I struggled with this move.  Let's be honest, it's never easy to leave what we know and I was no different from anyone else going through something new.  I did (and still do once in a while) focus on the negative around me and felt as if life was just so different and I couldn't possibly do what God was asking me to do. However, God always has a way of reminding me that I am not to do anything in my own strength, but rather in His strength.  The Bible tells us in I Chronicles 16:11 to "Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually."  God knew we would need Him and He tells us to seek Him.  If we will seek, He will be found!  That is great news!

Each day I read this poem and some days I follow it more readily than others.  I am learning, though, that if I truly count my blessings EACH day, I can be a much happier person no matter what is going on around me. 

All of us will from time to time carry crosses, suffer losses, have woes, endure foes, shed tears, carry fears, have financial losses, and the list could go on; BUT, it is when we FOCUS on the blessings, the gains, the joys, the friends, the smiles, the courage, the kindnesses, and ALL the BLESSING we truly have...well, we find happiness.

True happiness is found in God.  Psalms 146:5 says, "HAPPY is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God." 

Our hope is in God always regardless of life's circumstances.  When we have God as our help, we CAN be happy.  This is such a comforting thought to me. There are days that I feel overwhelmed by all that must be done. There are days when I feel very inadequate to do what God is asking me to do.  There are days when, frankly, I am weary.  However, it is on these days, I remember BLESSINGS...I stop and I think how blessed I really am and I go on.

So, whatever life brings your way, may I encourage you to stop and remember the blessings God has given you.  They are there...I promise, but you have to be looking for them.

From My Heart,

1 comment:

  1. That is so good! I'm going to try to print it out or something so I can hang it up to remind me of those things, too. Thanks for sharing it!
